
Sentence Computation

Sentence computation functions for the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) are carried out at the Designation and Sentence Computation Center (DSCC), located at the Grand Prairie Office Complex in Grand Prairie, TX.

Following sentencing and designation, the BOP calculates inmate sentences in accordance with Federal statute and the following BOP program statements: P5880.30, Sentence Computation Manual/Old Law/Pre CCCA 1984; P5880.28, Sentence Computation Manual (CCCA 1984); and P5880.32, District of Columbia Sentence Computation Manual.

Note: General questions about the sentence computation process can be answered over the phone. Some information regarding sentence computation is public information and may be provided without filing a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). For example, the Court of Jurisdiction, sentence imposed, and projected release date are examples of information that may be released. However, other information – e.g., arrests or periods of prior custody – about a particular inmate’s sentence computation is not public information and may not be released via the telephone or internet.

When an inmate is housed at a Bureau institution, questions about a sentence computation should be brought to the attention of Correctional Systems staff at the facility. If the inmate is not satisfied with the response received, he/she may file an appeal through the Administrative Remedy process. The inmate’s Unit Team can assist him/her with the Administrative Remedy process.

The release of such information can only be obtained by submitting a written request with an original authorization form that has been signed by the inmate. Faxed or copied authorization forms are not acceptable.