The prospect of having to search for meaningful work upon release from prison can be a daunting one, particularly for inmates who have been out of the labor market for a number of years. Many inmates acquire valuable work experience and skills through programs like Federal Prison Industries (FPI), vocational training opportunities, and/or other occupational education courses offered at Bureau facilities. But inmates nearing release in today’s society need to re-learn, or perhaps for the first time learn, how to effectively “search for a job.” Although it is the Bureau’s philosophy that release preparation begins the first day of incarceration, focus on release preparation intensifies at least 18 months prior to release. The Release Preparation Program includes classes in areas such as resume writing, job search, and job retention. The program also includes presentations by community-based organizations that help ex-inmates find jobs and training opportunities after release. The Bureau places appropriate inmates in Residential Reentry Centers (RRC) prior to release to help them adjust to life in the community and find employment. Some inmates will be eligible for a release gratuity, clothing, or money for transportation to their release destination.The Inmate Transition Branch provides additional pre-release employment assistance. Many institutions hold mock job fairs to provide inmates an opportunity to practice job interview skills and to expose community recruiters to the skills available among releasing inmates. Qualified inmates may apply for jobs with companies that have posted job openings. This Branch also helps inmates prepare release folders that include a resume; education certificates, diplomas, and transcripts; and other significant documents needed for a successful job interview. Additional information on release preparation resources for inmates is available through the Inmate Transition Branch.
The BOP contracts with RRC’s to provide reentry services to inmates releasing from prison. An inmate designated to an RRC is still an inmate and is subject to BOP policy, including disciplinary sanction. A Contract Oversight Specialist (COS) is assigned to each RRC to monitor the progress of each inmate. The COS serves as the BOP case manager while an inmate resides in a RRC. The primary mission of the RRC is to assist the inmate locate suitable housing and employment as they reenter society. When an inmate has successfully located employment and a place of residence, they can request home detention. Inmates approved for home detention are required to contribute a portion of their gross salary to defray costs associated with their correctional supervision. Progress Review Teams (PRT) are held regularly at each RRC to discuss inmate issues. These meetings include staff from the BOP, the RRC, Transitional Drug Abuse Treatment (TDAT), and the U.S. Probation Office.
In the Middle District of Louisiana the RCC is The Ecumenical Community Treatment Center, 6749 Cezanne Ave, Baton Rouge, LA. Telephone (225) 924-5757 or (225) 924-5787 or Toll Free 1-866-924-5787
The Bureau of Prisons Plan For RCC Placement: GENERAL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS:
While each resident’s placement and conditions therein may differ slightly, there are certain aspects of the RRC program that are the same for everyone.
Upon arrival each resident will be required to complete admission paperwork. A current picture and fingerprints will be taken. Within the first week of your residency an intake, assessment and initial re-entry plan will be completed. Residents are not allowed leave the facility or to begin searching for work until the intake and assessment are completed. Ordinarily this is completed within the first 24 – 48 hours.
As part of the orientation process, each resident will be required to secure a State ID/Driver’s License and a social security card. The social security card is free of charge. Currently a State Identification card is $21.00 and a Driver’s License is $25.00. Residents are not allowed to search for employment until they have provided evidence of these documents.
Every resident who is physically and mentally capable of working is expected to be gainfully employed while in the RRC program. From the date your orientation ends each person has 21–calendar days to secure employment. All residents searching for employment are expected to look for work from 7:30am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm – 5:00pm Monday &ndasah; Friday. No one will be allowed to begin any employment without the RRC staff contacting the potential employer and making them aware of the resident’s legal status.
Ordinarily, the maximum time you will be allowed to get to and from work will be 1–hour each way. The maximum amount of time you can be away from the facility for employment purposes per day is 12–hours, including travel time.
Every resident in the RRC program is required to pay subsistence. Any income earned while in the RRC program is subject to the payment of subsistence. When acceptable employment is obtained or income is otherwise generated, 25% of the GROSS income is collected as subsistence to help offset the Federal Bureau of Prisons expenditures. This fee is due each payday along with the pay stub showing your wages and hours worked. All subsistence payments are to be made in the form of a money order and are due within 24-hours of receiving any type of income.
If the release date falls on a day other than the regular payday, subsistence will be “pro-rated” from the last day of the last pay period until the release date.
Once a resident receives his or her first paycheck, everyone is required to provide proof of a savings account. Residents are required to save a minimum of $25.00 per month and provide proof of deposits to the RRC staff. Deposits are to be made no later than the 15th of each month.
Court Ordered Financial Obligations:
During residency, residents are required to address any outstanding court ordered obligations. Minimum monthly payments of $25.00 are expected no later than the 25th of each month until the resident is released or until the obligation is paid in full.
Program movement decisions are discussed and recommended as a team during Program Review Team (PRT). This team meets monthly and reviews BOP residents arriving in the Community Confinement (CCC) Component for consideration for movement to the Pre-Release Component. Adjustment concerns are also discussed for all residents and specifically for any residents who are eligible for home detention. Additionally, resources are identified for any resident needs that have been identified. All PRT recommendations are sent to the BOP RRM for final decision.
An initial on-site home visit must be made to every resident’s home regardless of program component. This is processed in the case of emergency, for release planning purposes, as well as pre-pass investigation. Generally speaking, all home visits will be completed by RRC staff within the first 2 weeks after a resident’s arrival.
Any resident who is eligible for and desires to go on pass to a local residence, must have a basic land-line telephone installed in the approved residence. This telephone line cannot have any features other than long distance. Each month the resident is required to provide a copy of every page of the telephone bill.
Only residents in the PRC component are eligible for overnight passes. In order to receive an overnight pass you must 1) be the PRC Component; 2) be employed full-time, 3) have a home visit completed to your pass residence; 4) have a basic land-line telephone in the pass residence; 5) turn in complete monthly telephone bills; 6) meeting all financial obligations; 7) be programming successfully in all areas.
If you meet all these requirements, the maximum nights you will be allowed to be away from the facility are 2 nights every 7 days. You are allowed to take passes to your approved pass residence location only.
A release plan will be submitted to the US Probation Office when the following conditions have been met: 1) an approved home residence is established; 2) a resident is gainfully employed; 3) a resident has provided proof of an acceptable telephone line. This release plan is investigated by the US Probation Office and considered for approval.
Residents placed in the RRC by the US Probation Office will be released on the actual calendar day their release falls. BOP residents cannot be released on a Saturday, Sunday or Federal Holiday. These residents are released the last proceeding work day prior to their actual release date.
Any time a resident needs to leave the facility for a purpose other than work, counseling or church (these locations and schedules are pre–approved in advance) a request for absence must be submitted to the RRC staff for approval. All requests for absences are to be submitted no less than 24–hours in advance and thoroughly completed to be considered for approval.
If a resident wishes to be part of a faith-based community, they must submit a request for church location for approval. In order for a church to be approved it must meet the following criteria: 1) the church must have a land-line telephone from which they can call upon arrival and departure; 2) have a bulletin or handout from each service; 3) the time away from the facility for a religious service, including travel, cannot exceed 3 hours; 4) religious services are allowed once every 7 days.
Driving privileges must be requested AND approved in advance. Driving privileges will be considered for approval on an as needed basis. If driving is necessary for employment purposes, then a request can be submitted for consideration. To request driving privileges, you must present the following: 1) a valid Louisiana driver’s license; 2) valid automobile registration; 3) proof of insurance for your entire period of residency, which specifically lists you as an insured driver; 4) license plate number; 5) proof of valid inspection sticker; 6) copy of driving record from the DMV, and 7) a signed vehicle usage authorization form which can be obtained from the staff office.
While RRC staff attempt to provide affordable resources for medical and dental care, all treatment and treatment related expenses, including medications, are the responsibility of each resident.
Any arrival who is NOT reporting directly to the RRC from a BOP institution is required to have a complete pre-employment type physical no more than 30-days prior to reporting to the RRC. This physical MUST include a TB Skin test. A chest x-ray is not required, unless the TB skin test is positive. These residents MUST bring the physical examination and TB Skin test results when checking into the facility. Any resident in this category who arrives without this documentation will not be admitted to this program.
If a resident is a convicted sex offender, they will be required to begin the sex offender registration process within 3–days of being admitted to the facility. These residents will not be allowed to leave the facility for ANY reason until this registration process is initiated.
The East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office will give you directions and deadlines to pay all required fees. If any deadline is missed you will be immediately removed from the program and placed in secure custody for “Failure to Register as a Sex Offender”. The total of fees imposed generally run around $700.00. All fees are generally due in full within 21 days of the initial registration. These fees are not waived, reduced or suspended for any reason. Likewise, extensions are not granted.