Shortly after the sentence to probation is given and you are dismissed from the courtroom it will be necessary for you to meet with your probation officer for orientation to the period of supervision. A probation officer present in court at the time of sentencing will assist with advice but is not likely to be the officer assigned for your supervision. You must make an appointment for orientation and guidance immediately. At that meeting the probation officer will answer any questions you may have and will explain the expectations of the court. Several forms will be provided for your completion and signature.
You will soon discover that the officer is focused on assisting you with every opportunity for success while under supervision and wants to understand your needs. However, please keep in mind he/she is employed by the Court to see that the sentence is executed as it is stated. The officer does not have authority to change any of its requirements. Another mission of this office includes protection of the community at large. For this reason there are restrictions on your activities that must be enforced.